Author: admin

Zondag – 4 Oktober: Master Tao Qingyu

Tao Qingyu

Master Tao Qingyu will run an introduction level workshop on the effective healing method of Zhineng Qigong during his visit to Amsterdam as part of his European tour. This is an opportunity to experience methods which can empower the body’s own wisdom and use them to strengthen people’s health and even be cured of chronic or other illnesses.

The workshop will provide a wonderful opportunity to be in touch with Zhineng Qigong, and will enable people to begin to integrate its healing methods into their daily lives. Participants will be able continue to practice and develop Qigong in the Netherlands under the guidence of teachers trained by Master Tao Qingyu.

Zhineng Qigong are simple and effective Chinese exercises which harness Chi energy and chanel it towards healing for the balance of emotional and physical health.






Zondag 10.00 – 13.00 uur en 14.30 – 17.30 uur

Costs is €40 per person and includes:
One-day workshop at the Rigdzin Centre with master
Tao Qingyu. Free tea/coffee and bio-vegetarian lunch
will be provided.

Barbara Pastorini has recently started leading Qigong sessions every Monday evening at the center at 19.30 uur. Everybody is welcome to join and cost is on a donation basis only (€5 recommended).

She’s has just returned from a 3 month course this sumer at Master Tao Qingyu’s center in China.

If you wish to join this workshop or attend sessions on Monday evenings please contact Barbara at:

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11-13 september 2015: Namkha Rinpoche, Mountain Dharma

Namkha RinpocheExtracting the Quintessence of Accomplishment

Retreat is een essentiële activiteit om, vrijkomend van de alle dagelijkse afleidingen, tot werkelijke reflectie en een verdieping van onze Dharma beoefening te komen en meer specifiek de diepzinnig praktijk van Dzogchen.

Tijdens het weekend van 11 t/m 13 september 2015 geeft Namkha Rinpoche een teaching over de tekst van Düdjom Rinpoche: “Extracting the Quintessence of accomplishment”, ook wel Richö of Mountain Dharma genoemd. In deze tekst geeft Düdjom Rinpoche ons advies over hoe we maximaal nut kunnen halen uit onze retreat, in zijn eigen woorden: Read more

5 – 7 juni 2015: Namkha Rinpoche in Hantum

Namkha Rinpoche_20150426_007 2Op uitnodiging van Karma Deleg Chö Phel Ling in Hantum (het centrum van wijlen Lama Gawang) komt Namkha Rinpoche van 5 t/m 7 juni naar Friesland om teaching te geven over “The Heart Nectar of the Saints”. Hieronder het bericht van Karma Deleg Chö Phel Ling:

Dear all,

The great Nyingma Lama, Namkha Gyatso Rinpoche has agreed to visit Karma Deleg Chö Phel Ling in Hantum. We are very honoured and excited to welcome him at our centre. He will give an intensive weekend of teachings and a very special initiation. Please find the program for more informationhere.

The teaching will be about the text “The Heart Nectar of the Saints” by Dudjom Rinpoche and the initiation is that of the Khandro Thuktik of Yeshe Tsogyal.

Friday 5 June at 19.30: Teachings

Saturday 6 June at 09.30: Teachings

Saturday 6 June at 14.30: Teachings

Sunday 7 June at 09.30: Teachings

Sunday 7 June at 14.30: Initiation

Please note that there are limited sleeping and sanitary facilities. This is the reason that the price for lodging has been kept on 15 euro per night. The elderly and people with (serious) physical issues will be given priority to the beds. Please bring your own tent, sleeping bag etc. There is sufficient camping ground. Otherwise, you can check alternatives in the or

The final deadline for the registration is 25th May 2015. Please keep this in mind so that we can make the necessary preparations. Please register by email and by transferring the payment to the bank account: Karma Deleg Chö Phel Ling, IBAN: NL62INGB0004499995 and BIC: INGBNL2A with reference to Namkha Rinpoche, names of participants and your email address.

We look forward to this wonderful occasion.

With kind regards,

The Board of Karma Deleg Chö Phel Ling


30 en 31 mei 2015: Lama Tsewang over de beoefening van de Medicijn Boeddha



Lama Tsewang Dorje: de beoefening van de Medicijn Boeddha en zijn project voor wereldvrede

Lama Tsewang is een goede vriend van Namkha Rinpoche en is vaak aanwezig op de jaarlijkse retraites die de Rigdzin Community organiseert. Hij is van Bhutanese herkomst en kwam in Frankrijk in augustus 1998, op verzoek van Tulku Rinpoche Gangteng om verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor zijn Europese centrum. Vanaf zijn 10e heeft hij 24 jaar in het klooster Thegchog Ösel Chiling Gönpa Dharma gestudeerd en beoefend. Hij is een expert in rituelen, ceremonies, schilderkunst, iconografie, architectuur, muziek en dans.
Lama Tsewang zal ons op 30 en 31 mei uitleg en initiatie geven over de beoefening van de Medicijn Boeddha. De Medicijn Boeddha is een belangrijke Boeddha in de Mahayana traditie, zijn belangrijkste gelofte is om alle levende wezens van alle mogelijke ziektes te bevrijden. In het Tibetaanse Boeddhisme is hij het centrum van de “Four Medical Tantra’s” die basis vormen van de Tibetaanse geneeskunst en vele genezende sadhana’s. 
Tevens zal Lama Tsewang zijn project voor vrede in de wereld presenteren. Dit levenswerk richt zich op de bouw van een gigantische stupa genaamd: The stupa of “Great Liberation upon seeing” (44 meter hoog en 21 meter breed). In de stupa zullen drie tempels worden gebouwd, die de Dharmakaya (bovenste verdieping), de Sambhogakaya (tweede verdieping) en de Nirmanakaya (eerste verdieping) vertegenwoordigen met een hal op de begane grond voor grotere religieuze bijeenkomsten.

Programma van het weekend

Locatie: Dzogchen Ling, Middenweg 22 in Amsterdam

Zaterdag 10.00 – 12.00 uur en 14.30 – 17.00 uur

Zondag 10.00 – 12.00 uur en 14.30 – 17.00 uur


80 euro voor het hele weekend of 40 euro per dag.


24-26 april 2015: Namkha Rinpoche: Phowa van Throma Nagmo

NamkhaRinpoche2Opening the Door of Primordial Wisdom

We zijn ontzettend blij aan te kunnen kondigen dat tijdens het weekend van 24 t/m 26 april 2015 geeft Namkha Rinpoche een zeldzame teaching over de Phowa beoefening van Throma Nagmo (Düdjom Tersar traditie): “Opening the Door of Primordial Wisdom”.

Ayang Rinpoche zegt het volgende over Phowa:

We have four major kinds of suffering in our lifetime: birth, sickness, old age and death. For those who are already grown up, birth suffering is over. For sickness suffering there are many helpers (our family and relatives, friends and community) and all different kinds of treatment. For old age suffering, no matter what different kinds of treatment we do to our body, we are going to get older each second, each hour, and each day. Ultimately, we cannot make ourselves younger.

Death is our biggest suffering, and our biggest mistake is not to think about it. Our family members, relatives and friends cannot join us at our death moment. We are alone with the results of the positive, virtuous, good deeds we did in our life. These results are all that is with us, and is our self-protection.

Phowa practice is the best self-protection. It is the best way to be free from death suffering. It is the easiest way to reach Buddha’s Pure Land, and the quickest way to reach enlightenment from a Pure Land.

De teaching is zeer toegankelijk en zowel geschikt voor beginnende als meer gevorderde beoefenaars. Werkelijk een teaching om niet te missen.

Programma van het weekend

Locatie: Dzogchen Ling, Middenweg 22 in Amsterdam

Vrijdag 20.00 – 22.00 uur
Zaterdag 10.00 – 12.30 uur en 14.30 – 17.00 uur
Zondag 10.00 – 12.30 uur en 14.30 – 17.00 uur


80 euro voor het hele weekend of 40 euro per dag (vrijdagavond 20 euro).

April 3-5 Dr. Nida – Tummo Meditation


Public talks and courses by Dr. Nida Chenagtsang


The International Academy for Traditional Tibetan Medicine (IATTM) was established in 2006 in order to ensure the integrity and authenticity of Traditional Tibetan Medicine teachings and to promote the continuity of practice of Traditional Tibetan Medicine (TTM).  Dr. Nida Chenagtsang is director of the Academy and for many years, he has taught courses on Tibetan medicine and other related sciences all over the world. He has extensively researched ancient Tibetan medicinal treatments, specializing in the revival of external therapies, which has brought him high acclaim in the field of Tibetan medicine.

Sexuality and Spirituality in Tibetan Culture


Join us for public talks by Dr. Nida Chenaktsang on Sexuality in Tibetan Culture, and the role of sex for energy and health. Dr. Nida will also look at Buddhist views on sexuality, as well as the historical masters and texts that cover this subject, including the Kamasutra and Karmamudra.
Weds, 1 April, 17.00-19.30u
Delight Yoga, Weteringschans 53, 1017 RW  – Cost €20
Fri, 3 April, 19.30-22.00u
Dzochen Ling, Middenweg 22, 1097BN – Cost €20


Tummo – the inner fire

tummoYoga tummo

This two day course on Tummo teaches breath retention and the visualization of the lower ends of the three chakra channels which is primarily used to focus body awareness in the subnavel area. The heart rate slows, the karmic winds suspend and the venous blood returns less impurities into the blood stream. This leads to longevity and many health benefits. With the flow of Tummo inside you, your physical, mental, emotional and intuitive levels will progress much faster.

Tummo is the foundation of other practices including Karmamudra. It purifies all negativities and enhances the innate bliss. Illusory body is an essential support for Tummo, and it helps our mind become free from attachment and aversion.

Sat/Sun, 4-5 April, 9.30-17.30u
Dzochen Ling, Middenweg 22, 1097BN – Cost €80  


For more info and reservations
contact Pearse (Kunsel):
Mobile: 06 1766 4274



Rigdzin Agenda Spring/Summer 2015


At present there is a very strong possibility that Dr. Nida of IATTM will be visiting from March 30 -April 4. We’re busy trying to arrange this at the moment as many people have requested him to teach again at the center as soon as possible.

Namkha Rinpoche

Switzerland: “Preliminary teachings / Ngondro of the Dudjom lineage” will take place in Evolène, Switzerland from 5-12 April. You can still register for this retreat at:

13-18 April
Dorje Drolo Drubcho Retreat
Thegchok Ling Centre, Lausanne.

Namkha rinpoche
Amsterdam: Namkha Rinpoche will be visiting on the weekend of 24-26 April, teaching subject yet to be confirmed.


Geshe Kalsang will be visiting on the weekend of 9-10 May.
Please contact Jarek for more info:



May 28 – June 5Lama Tsewang will be visiting the center for his third time to both teach and raise awareness for the Stupa for World Peace in Bhutan.
Exact dates and timing to be confirmed.

TS Rinpoche

Sangngag Tenzin Rinpoche will be visiting from 23 June – July 1.
Final times and subject of teachings yet to be confirmed.

Feb-Mei – KU NYE, Traditional Tibetan Massage

Ku Nye Feb-May Banner-1

Ku Nye originated from the ancient kingdoms of Tibet over 3900 years ago and is a practice indigenous to the Tibetan Medical tradition. Earliest Tibetans practiced Ku Nye through the diagnosis and application of specific infused oil or substances extracted from butter to treat the person’s imbalance or constitution.


Literally, Ku means ‘to apply’ or to anoint the body with therapeutic oils to be absorbed through the skin and Nye refers to the actual massage. Techniques of Nye include the kneading, rubbing and pressing of muscles and tendons and the application of pressure to various points and channels.


The rejuvenating and restorative benefits and functions of Ku Nye are mentioned in many original Tibetan texts including the Bum Shi, Gyud Shi and all its commentaries and Ton Huang medical text. Some of the benefits include the elimination of and increased vitality, the reduction and alleviation of various types of pain, the calming of nervous disorders.

The Ku Nye program of  IATTM is specifically aimed to fit into western society, so that people can easily assimilate Ku Nye principles into their daily lifestyle, as well as putting the Massage into practice immediately. It is a truly Holistic system.

This course covers:
•    What Ku Nye is?
•    The Three Stages of Ku Nye
•    Tibetan Medicine and Massage
•    Ku Nye and Ne Yang Yoga
•    The benefits of Ku Nye
•    Therapeutic Massage
•    Historical Texts on Ku Nye
•    Ku Nye Education



This course (Ku Nye Level 1) will be given in 4 modules. Each module is a separate weekend which includes a Friday evening. A certification will be awarded upon completion of all 4 weekends. Please contact Sandra Kroes for full course details.

People, who won’t be able to attend the Friday evenings, can still participate on all course weekends.

Ku Nye Course Weekend – €150 each
Ne Jang Yoga Evenings – €20 eac

About the instructor
Monika-Anna Ujvarosi is originally from Transylvania. With a medical degree in physiotherapy she has practiced Traditional Tibetan Medicine for the last 5 years under the guidance of Dr. Nida Chenagstang. She has also worked in Maluo Hospital, Tibet and is a leading IATTM instructor for Ku Nye Massage and Ne Jang – Tibetan Healing Yoga. Currently, Monika lives and practices Tibetan Medicine in Germany.

Diploma courses for Ku Nye Traditional Tibetan Massage run for 3 years and are divided into 3 Levels. These weekends at Rigdzin are Level 1. Each level begins with a 10 – 12 days intensive study and is then followed by practice hour requirements which are to be recorded throughout the year. Once completed, students are required to sit an examination before entering into the next stage of their learning.

Ku Nye 1.1, Feb 6-8
Fri. 18.00 – 21.00
Sat. – Sun. 10.00-13.00
and 15.00- 18.00

Ne Jang Yoga, Feb 7
Sat. 19:00 – 20:30

Ku Nye 1.2, Feb 13-15
Fri. 18.00 – 21.00
Sat. – Sun. 10.00-13.00
and 15.00- 18.00

Ne Jang Yoga, Feb 14
Sat. 19:00 – 20:30

Ku Nye 1.3, May 22-24
Fri. 18.00 – 21.00
Sat. – Sun. 10.00-13.00
and 15.00- 18.00

Ne Jang Yoga, May 23
Sat. 19:00 – 20:30

Ku Nye 1.4, May 29-31
Fri. 18.00 – 21.00
Sat. 10.00-13.00 – Summary
15.00- 18.00 – Practice
Sun. – Exam

Ne Jang Yoga, May 30
Sat. 19:00 – 20:30

For more info and reservations contact Sandra Kroes:
Mobile: 062 487 5697