Tag: Buddhism

Zondag – 4 Oktober: Master Tao Qingyu

Tao Qingyu

Master Tao Qingyu will run an introduction level workshop on the effective healing method of Zhineng Qigong during his visit to Amsterdam as part of his European tour. This is an opportunity to experience methods which can empower the body’s own wisdom and use them to strengthen people’s health and even be cured of chronic or other illnesses.

The workshop will provide a wonderful opportunity to be in touch with Zhineng Qigong, and will enable people to begin to integrate its healing methods into their daily lives. Participants will be able continue to practice and develop Qigong in the Netherlands under the guidence of teachers trained by Master Tao Qingyu.

Zhineng Qigong are simple and effective Chinese exercises which harness Chi energy and chanel it towards healing for the balance of emotional and physical health.






Zondag 10.00 – 13.00 uur en 14.30 – 17.30 uur

Costs is €40 per person and includes:
One-day workshop at the Rigdzin Centre with master
Tao Qingyu. Free tea/coffee and bio-vegetarian lunch
will be provided.

Barbara Pastorini has recently started leading Qigong sessions every Monday evening at the center at 19.30 uur. Everybody is welcome to join and cost is on a donation basis only (€5 recommended).

She’s has just returned from a 3 month course this sumer at Master Tao Qingyu’s center in China.

If you wish to join this workshop or attend sessions on Monday evenings please contact Barbara at:

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Email: bepranic@gmail.com

Web:  www.bepranic.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bepranic