Tag: Lama Tsewang

Rigdzin Agenda Spring/Summer 2015


At present there is a very strong possibility that Dr. Nida of IATTM will be visiting from March 30 -April 4. We’re busy trying to arrange this at the moment as many people have requested him to teach again at the center as soon as possible. http://www.iattm.net/

Namkha Rinpoche

Switzerland: “Preliminary teachings / Ngondro of the Dudjom lineage” will take place in Evolène, Switzerland from 5-12 April. You can still register for this retreat at: www.rigdzin.ch

13-18 April
Dorje Drolo Drubcho Retreat
Thegchok Ling Centre, Lausanne.

Namkha rinpoche
Amsterdam: Namkha Rinpoche will be visiting on the weekend of 24-26 April, teaching subject yet to be confirmed.


Geshe Kalsang will be visiting on the weekend of 9-10 May.
Please contact Jarek for more info: jaroslawkepa@gmail.com



May 28 – June 5Lama Tsewang will be visiting the center for his third time to both teach and raise awareness for the Stupa for World Peace in Bhutan. http://www.bhutanworldpeace.org
Exact dates and timing to be confirmed.

TS Rinpoche

Sangngag Tenzin Rinpoche will be visiting from 23 June – July 1.
Final times and subject of teachings yet to be confirmed.
